Day 3 of our GR20 adventure took us from Refuge de Carozzu to Ascu Stagnu, featuring a challenging hike, spectacular landscapes, and a strategic detour around Monte Cinto. Early starts, steep climbs, and treacherous boulder fields marked this demanding day, but we also found moments of respite and comfort in Ascu Stagnu. Read on to discover the highlights of our journey, the decisions we made, and the comforts of our accommodation.

Breakfast and Early Start

We skipped breakfast at Refuge de Carozzu to avoid getting wet later in the day. With enough snacks packed in our bags, we aimed to reach the next refuge early and avoid the afternoon rain. Our departure was set for 5:30 am to make the most of the daylight and dodge the expected rain.

Morning Hike: Crossing the Rope Bridge

Our hike began with a thrilling crossing of a shaky rope bridge. The bridge was a bit nerve-wracking but added an exciting start to our day. From there, we ascended steeply using ropes and chains. This section of the trail was one of the most challenging, with smooth rocks requiring careful navigation to prevent slips and falls.

Ascending and Scrambling

As we climbed higher, we encountered lingering snow and challenging terrain. After about three hours of steep ascent, we reached the summit, offering us expansive views and a sense of accomplishment. The route then led us to a brief but intense scramble before a steady 30-minute climb to the highest point of the day at 2,000 meters.

Navigating the Boulder Field

The descent took us through a steep and dangerous boulder field. The rocks here were unstable and moved quickly, making this section hazardous. We had to stay alert to avoid falling rocks and navigate carefully over the shifting terrain.

Arrival at Ascu Stagnu

Upon completing the boulder field, we walked through a tranquil forest and arrived at the Asco ski resort. Staying in a hotel was a welcome change, providing much-needed comfort, a hot shower, and a delicious meal. The hotel was well-equipped, and the owner was incredibly helpful, providing us with valuable advice for the days ahead.

Connectivity and Amenities

Ascu Stagnu offered full phone signal and WiFi, a significant upgrade from the previous days. The hotel also had washing machines and dryers—though there were long queues, getting our clothes cleaned was a much-needed luxury.

Monte Cinto and the Decision to Detour

We first glimpsed Monte Cinto, the highest point of the GR20 at 2,562 meters, covered in snow. Given that Andrew did not have crampons, crossing the snow-covered peak was deemed too risky. After consulting with other hikers, we decided to take a bus detour around the mountain. Though disappointing, this decision was made with safety in mind.


Day 3 on the GR20 was a blend of intense hiking, stunning scenery, and strategic decisions. From the exhilarating rope bridge crossing to the challenging boulder field, and finally the comforts of Ascu Stagnu, this day provided a mix of hardships and rewards. Our detour around Monte Cinto, though not part of the original plan, ensured our safety and allowed us to continue our adventure.